Colour Analysis
Having your colours “done” can make you feel fantastic, as well as appear younger, healthier and more vibrant. It’ll also help you develop a cohesive, sustainable wardrobe and avoid expensive mistakes. It offers a wonderful confidence-boost and is a pamper experience that keeps giving for long after the consultation itself. It’s not about telling you what you can’t wear, it’s about broadening your horizons to see how much you CAN wear that you’ve probably never considered!
From my Express service to Full Colour Analysis, I have an option to suit every budget.
Express Colour Analysis
An Express Colour Analysis is a quick way to discover your dominant colouring type and receive my expert tips on selecting the perfect shades for your wardrobe and accessories.
Approx 40 minute consultation
help to find your perfect lipstick
a pocket guide showing ten of your best colours.
Dominant Colour Analysis
During a Dominant Colour Analysis I’ll establish your dominant palette and show you how to wear your most flattering colours, in combination and alone.
Approx 1hr 15 minute consultation
make-up lesson showing your how to apply your best shades
30 colour fabric swatch wallet
can take place in my home or yours
Full Colour Analysis
My most comprehensive colour service, during a Full Colour Analysis I’ll identify your dominant, secondary and tertiary colouring. You’ll learn how to wear the colours that suit you in combination and alone, as well as optimise your existing wardrobe.
Approx 1hr 45 minute consultation
make-up lesson showing your how to apply your best shades
42 colour fabric swatch wallet
can take place in my home or yours
Colour Review
Perhaps you had your colours analysed years ago but now realise that your colouring has changed? I can reassess your colours and review your palette. Swatches in your wallet can be removed and replacement swatch cards purchased.
1 hour consultation
a make-up application
the opportunity to buy new individual swatch cards or a new swatch wallet if your colouring has changed dramatically